- We believe in God, the Creator of heaven and earth.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God who came to earth, sacrificed himself and died on the cross so that we could receive forgiveness of our sins. He was buried but arose from the tomb on the third day. He has ascended into heaven and will return to take believers to heaven for all eternity.
- Our belief is that the Bible is the inspired, authoritative word of God and it is our guide on how to live, believe and worship. 2 Timothy 3:16 - 17
- We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his chosen Holy Apostles, not the teachings of man.
- We have no formal connection with any other church. We owe allegiance to no higher authority, except God our Father. Ephesians 1:22-23
- The leader of our church is Christ, the overseers of the local congregation are the Elders, 1 Timothy 3 : 1 - 16 and Deacons as directed in 1Timothy 3 : 8. At this time we are without Elders, or Deacons. The work of our congregation will continue and be managed by regular men's business meetings until such time as Elders and Deacons can be re-established.
- On Sunday, the first day of the week ,we seek to please our God with a worship service that is pleasing to him. (click on worship link below for more details)
- As the New Testament states we believe in order to become a christian you must hear the word, believe, confess Jesus is the Son of God and be baptized,fully immersed in water for remission of sins. (click on the salvation link below for more details)
- We must love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
- We must love others the way Christ loved us.
order of worship
plan of salvation
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